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I do a number of different types of assessment, please see below for more

Neuropsychological Evaluation

This type of evaluation may be for you if you are questioning your cognitive, psychological and neurological condition that may be impacting their functional abilities. Examples of this may be Neurodevelopmental Disorders (like ADHD) or Conditions relating to aging (like dementia). The following website offers a good description of this type of testing:

Therapeutic Assessment

This type of assessment is meant to give the person being assessed the answer to a specific question related to their own personal psychology. For example a person might wonder “Why do I struggle socially at work?” Or “Why is finding a romantic relationship so difficult for me?” Using personality testing we can work collaboratively to identify potential stumbling blocks and develop compensatory strategies.

Immigration Evaluation

This type of evaluation is an assessment of an individuals mental health. These are often used by those who are in the midst of an immigration case. They are usually in the process of obtaining aslyum or an N-648 waiver. I also conduct Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) evaluations.


I charge an hourly fee of $200 an hour for any type of evaluation. Each case is unique and will require a different amount of my time but a typical evaluation is 8-10 hours. Evlaution is typically conducted in my office but certain types of evaluation can be done off site (please contact me for coordination).